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LCFS Oregon

Similar to California's program, the Oregon LCFS aims to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels used in the state. It sets CI benchmarks and encourages the adoption of cleaner fuels through a credit market.

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LCFS Provide

Similar to California’s program, the Oregon LCFS focuses on reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuels, promoting the use of cleaner alternatives. The LCFS sets CI benchmarks and encourages the adoption of cleaner fuels through a credit market, allowing producers to trade credits to meet compliance.

Key Points:
- The program requires fuel producers to meet CI targets or purchase credits from cleaner fuel producers.
- It helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, promoting cleaner alternatives such as electric vehicles and biofuels.
- The Oregon LCFS is part of the state's broader efforts to address climate change and improve air quality.

The Oregon LCFS aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector by setting carbon intensity (CI) benchmarks and encouraging the use of cleaner fuels like electric vehicles and biofuels. Through a credit trading system, fuel producers can meet CI targets by either reducing their emissions or purchasing credits from cleaner fuel producers. This program is a key component of Oregon's broader efforts to combat climate change and improve air quality.

Why use LCFS'

The Oregon Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), similar to California’s program, is designed to reduce the carbon intensity (CI) of transportation fuels and promote cleaner alternatives such as electric vehicles and biofuels. Administered by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the program sets annual CI benchmarks for fuel producers and offers flexibility in compliance through a credit trading system, allowing producers to meet targets by either reducing emissions or purchasing credits from cleaner fuel producers. This approach helps lower greenhouse gas emissions while encouraging innovation in low-carbon fuel technologies.

As part of Oregon’s broader climate action efforts, the LCFS supports the transition to cleaner fuels and improved air quality. It benefits businesses by promoting the adoption of low-carbon fuels, providing compliance flexibility, and aligning with the state’s ambitious climate goals.

Benefits to Customers:
- Promotes the use of low-carbon fuels.
- Provides flexibility in compliance through credit trading.
- Supports the state’s broader climate action goals.

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